How to Win at Gambling
Gambling Fish Table Secrets
Are you ready to start making some money from casino gambling? I know it sounds impossible, but there are a number of informed gamblers who regularly make $500, $1,000 even $5,000 a day off the casinos. I want to share with you an astounding new way to make money. It’s a money making method that does not require a large bankroll, specialized training or hidden gimmicks. I will reveal the 'insider information' you must have to beat the casinos. Using extensive testing over a period of years we have uncovered the 'must have' gambling strategies which really work. The key to winning at gambling is to only play when you can gain an advantage over the casinos. Now, after years of testing and very profitable play, I will share the best proven strategies, which consistently take money from the casinos! There are many individuals and companies selling gambling systems. There are a number being offered on the Internet. We have seen just about every one of them. Some are fairly decent, most are just awful, and a good number are outright scams. These systems are priced anywhere from a few bucks to hundreds or even thousands of dollars. We have found that the system costing $500 may not be any better than the one costing $50. We have rigorously tested hundreds of gambling systems. The better ones were tested in both land based and Internet casinos. What we found will amaze you. There are a handful of strategies, which actually give you an edge over the casinos. When you use one of these proven winning methods, you are favored to win and win consistently. Can you imagine walking into your favorite casino, going up to your favorite game and, in short time, walking away thousands richer? Using one of our carefully selected tested and proven strategies, you can do just that! We invite you to put the power of proven winning strategies to work now! Learn how you can start playing craps with only $30 and pyramid your winnings into thousands of dollars. This proven craps system has made money consistently for every person who has tried it! We have created a powerful manual revealing everything you must know to beat the craps game. Just click here for more information. Would you like to make $3,000 to $5,000 a day at blackjack? We have uncovered a 100% proven way to beat blackjack anytime, anywhere the game is played. This strategy is so powerful we guarantee you will win, or the system costs you nothing! Click here to learn more about how to put this moneymaker to work for you! Here’s some really incredible news. We have found a way to target slot machines, which are ready to start paying. You can use this strategy on the newest computer chip controlled slots, either in land based or online casinos. Turn your slot winnings into a powerful money source with this proven winning strategy! Click here now! Want more? We have discovered the ultimate strategy for beating the roulette game! This system is so consistent it wins a documented 94.3% of the time! We will show you exactly how to use this strategy against both real and virtual casinos and make a bundle of money. Click here for more info on this powerful winning method. Have you heard that video poker is beatable? We will show you exactly to gain an advantage over the casinos and win consistently at video poker! You will love picking up jackpots of up to $10,000 at this very beatable game. Click here for more info. We know that one or more of these tested and proven strategies will work for you. We are so sure you will win that will offer an unconditional LIFETIME GUARANTEE with each strategy. No one else dares to do that. We have put together all of the resources you need to become the ultimate resource for casino gamblers. Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter, Killer Gambling Strategies.. Even though it is ABSOLUTELY FREE, it is jam-packed with valuable money making information and gambling tips. We will email you each new issue filled with the information you need to BEAT THE CASINOS! Join the growing group of Winning Casino Gamblers. You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Gamblers Bookcase © 1998 - 2013 Gamblers Bookcase · All Rights Reserved |
Gambling Tips
This is part one of a two-part video where American Casino Guide author, Steve Bourie, interviews Blair Rodman for details on how to make sports bets and how. Bookies look at the weight of their books all the time and adjust odds and other factors to make sure their books balance. Though it isn’t possible to completely balance a book, bookies that go too far out on one side run the risk of losing money, and losing money in gambling is the fastest way to find yourself in another industry.