Next Bachelor Odds

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Hi there. Yes I did something incredibly dumb. Went to a strip club today and had a very weak unprotected intercourse session will she was sitting on top. I was inside, no doubt, but I wasn't even fully erect and it didn't last that long. The girl was new to that club at least, said she was 34, and was hispanic not sure of exact nationality. I know it doesn't matter but she looked very clean and healthy, Seriously. I need to know what my odds are for contracting any disease. I've read around and it looks like the risk for HIV is Zero or close to it. What about the other stuff? I'm of course a male, and I've read here its pretty difficult for a male to catch something from a one time thing intercourse. I went to the bathroom and repeatedly slathered the soap ( couldn't see if it was bacterial or not ) all over my genitals to try and get anything surface wise off of me. I arrived home about 40 minutes later and bathed like crazy - anti bacterial soap repeatedly on my genitals and then urinated, deliberatly made my self ejaculate to try to 'flush out' anything that may have been in the urethra. Sounds dumb I know. Then urinated again for the same reason. Please don't flame me. I know my questions etc sound dumb but I need help not flaming. I'm 37 year old white male, healthy - and would like to stay that way. Thanks for any info you can give...

Next Bachelor Odds 2019


Next Bachelor Odds 2020

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Next Bachelor Odds Today

Talking about football, “The Bachelor” television show begins next Monday night on ABC and the star is none other than former ISU star player, Colton.